Vagus Nerve and Total Hip Replacement

Vagus Nerve and Total Hip Replacement

Why would I want to mention the vagus nerve and total hip replacement in the same sentence? Because the vagus nerve is key to helping us heal and to deal with pain and stress. What is the Vagus Nerve? The vagus nerve controls bodily functions like mood, immune...

Hip Flexor Pain and Back Pain Related to Total Hip Replacement

Some form of hip flexor pain and/or back pain with total hip replacement seems to be a common experience among those of us with THR. I frequently get questions about it from students and I have read accounts from others with THR. I remembered that several weeks after...

Benefits of Bare Feet

Benefits of Bare Feet

When you are preparing for or recovering from total hip replacement surgery you need increased stability to support your new joint. The whole-body benefits of an asana practice begin with the feet, and the way you connect with the earth will have a ripple effect...

Benefits of Balancing for Total Hip Replacement and Beyond

Benefits of Balancing for Total Hip Replacement and Beyond

When you balance, whether on two feet, or on your head, you are strengthening muscles essential for the stability of total hip replacement. Balancing challenges your ability to focus, to react to fluctuations in your body, and to maintain your center of gravity. It is...

Open-Hip Standing Poses = Strength, Stability, Flexibility!

Open-hip standing poses offer a range of benefits for total hip replacement. – They can be modified for any level of ability so that you can practice them at any stage of your THR journey. – They build strength. – They provide stability for your hips. – They promote...

The World is Your Mat: Take advantage!

The World is Your Mat: Take advantage!

Before total hip replacement our bodies are often limited in the kinds of movement they able to do. It can be difficult, if not impossible, to get down on the floor, to balance, or to bend like we did before the THR journey started. Following THR surgery, your surgeon...

Safe Stretching After Hip Replacement

Total hip replacement introduces a new set of considerations for stretching in yoga. Your range of motion may be different following your surgery. Your surgeon may have given you restrictions on your movement which will limit the kinds of poses you will be able to do....

Infection and Total Hip Replacement: No thank you!

Infection and Total Hip Replacement: No thank you!

Infection after total hip replacement can be a serious complication, it is worth understanding why and how infections occur. Here is some general information on how they arise, what you can do to avoid them, and the treatment for them if they do happen. First, the...