practice classes
Practice Classes – Strengthen, Stretch, & Restore
Studies show that a regular yoga practice offers both physical and mental health benefits, including faster healing times, reduced postoperative hospital stays, and improved pain management. These 40-50-minute relaxed-paced classes offer a whole-body experience while targeting hip health and safety. They start with a sequence of yoga poses to release tension, strengthen your body, and stretch muscles, and end with a restorative pose to promote relaxation, support healing, and build resiliency to pain and stress. The perfect combination of movement coupled with relaxation to bring a balance to the body, to the nervous system, and to the mind. “Read More” below for Practice Classes Levels
See you on the mat!!
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Practice Classes Levels:
Gentle Healing (GH) – For those still healing from surgery. Very gentle poses are practiced in a chair and standing. Release tension, tone hip stabilizers, and restore to support healing.
Gentle Chair (GC) – A Gentle practice for before or after surgery (when all post-surgery restrictions on movement have been lifted) and for if you prefer not to get up and down from the floor. Poses are practiced in a chair and standing. Move the whole body with a focus on hip stabilizer strength and tone. Includes a relaxation at the end.
Gentle Plus (GP) – Same as Gentle but includes posture work on the floor. Good for those able to get up and down from the floor.
Level 1 (L1) – Practice basic yoga poses, including some flow between poses with transitions to and from the floor. Use chairs, blocks, bolsters, furniture … as props. Restore at the end.
Video Previews
Yoga while healing from Total Hip Replacement Surgery: A safe post-op asana practice. Free full-length video.
Practice length: 37.29
Level: Gentle Healing
– Tone hip stabilizing muscles in Mountain Pose/Tadasana.
– Release tension with cat/cow and twists in a chair.
– Restore in your recliner, on your couch, or on a bed.
Props: 1 chair or walker or countertop for safety and balance while standing, 1 chair to sit on, recliner/couch/bed
Suggested viewing: Mountain Pose/Tadasana, Chair Pose/Utkatasana; Corpse Pose/Savasana
Suggested Reading: Yoga while healing from Total Hip Replacement Surgery: A safe post-op asana practice.
Healing from Total Hip Replacement and how yoga can help.
Access: Free
Chair Yoga with 1/2 Forward Fold and Standing Poses. Preview
Practice length: 46:43
Level: Gentle Chair
–Hip stabilizers and Cat/Cow. Warm up seated on a chair.
– 1/2 Forward fold and Chair pose. More warm-ups and stretching with strength
– Practice Warrior I, Triangle Pose and Side Angle Pose.
– Reclining Bound Angle Pose. Restore in your recliner or on a bed.
Props: 1 yoga mat, 2 blankets, 2 chairs, 2-3 bolsters and/or lounge chair or bed.
Suggested viewing: Chair Pose/Utkatasana; Warrior I/Virabhadrasana I; Triangle Pose/Trikonasana; Side Angle Pose/Parsvakonasana
Suggested Reading: Yoga Technique & Alignment: Essential for health and longevity of joints
Access: 1-Week Free Trail & Members
Twists, Hip Flexors, and Hamstrings. Preview
Practice length: 35:57
Level: Gentle Plus
– Shoulders, hamstrings and hips. Warm-up on the floor.
– Boat Pose/Navasana. Stregthen hip flexors seated on the floor.
– Twist your spine in Thread the Needle on all fours on the floor.
– Twist your spine in Revolved Chair Pose/Parivrtta Utkatasana. Standing
– Belly Twist Pose/Jathara Parivartanasana. Restore on the floor, or on a bed.
Props: 1 yoga mat, 2 blocks, 1-2 blankets, 1-2 bolsters.
Suggested viewing: Chair Pose/Utkatasana; Warrior I/Virabhadrasana I; Belly Twist Pose/Jathara Parivartanasana
Access: 1-Week Free Trial & Members
Slow Flow with Front, Back, and Side Core Strength. Preview
Practice length: 38:40
Level: Level 1
– Warm up with a slow salutation with lunge transitions
– Strengthen and stretch in Warrior Poses.
– Marichyasana III. Twist seated on the floor or on a bed.
– Supported Bridge/Supported Setu Bandhasana. Restore while lying on the floor or on a firm bed.
Practice Props: 1 yoga mat, 1 blanket, 2 blocks, 1 strap
Suggested viewing: Chair Pose/Utkatasana; Warrior I/Virabhadrasana I; Downward Facing Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana; Upaward Facing Dog/Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Suggested Reading: What is the “Core?”
Access: Members
More Titles in Practice Classes

Tree Pose, Abductors and Abs
Length: 43:53 Level: GP
– Warm-up and strengthen core muscles and hip stabilizers on the floor or on a bed
– Practice Tree Pose/Vrksasana. Standing
– Restore in Legs Up/Viparita Karani. Practice this pose while lying on the floor with legs on a chair or up the wall, or on a bed with a bolsters or pillows to raise the legs.
Suggested Reading: What is the “Core?”
Access: 1-Week Free Trial & Members

Standing Poses with Hip Flexor Strength and Stretch
Length: 42:21 Level: L1
– Stretch, and strengthen hip flexors with lunges, forward folds, and back bends.
– Practice Warrior I, Warrior II.
– Restore in Reclining Bound Angle Pose/Supta Buddha Konasana.
Suggested Reading: Dislocation – No Thanks!
Access: 1-Week Free Trial & Members
– Practice Warrior I, Warrior II.
– Restore in Reclining Bound Angle Pose/Supta Buddha Konasana.
Suggested Reading: Dislocation – No Thanks!
Access: 1-Week Free Trial & Members

Sock Slide and Standing Poses
Length: 47:35 Level: GC
– Warm-up and strengthen core muscles and hip stabilizers while standing
– Practice Chair Pose/Utkatasana
– Practice standing poses: Warrior I, Warrior II, & Trikonasana
– Restore in Corpse Pose/Savasana on a couch, your bed or on the floor.
Suggested Reading: “Go Slow – Build New Neural Pathways“
Access: Members

Use Lunges to Transition from one pose to the next and for Strength
Length: 42:45 Level: Level 1
– Warm up lying on the floor or on a bed
– Chair Pose and Warrior I. Strengthen with these standing poses
– Transitions in to and out of Lunges from Forward Fold and Downward Facing Dog.
–Supported Bridge Pose. Restore lying on the floor, on a couch or on a bed.
Suggested Reading: Strength – Your Best Friend
Access: Members

Stay tuned for Hip Openers - work in progress